IPEN 6100D - Carbon Pricing and Climate Finance (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6323) We 09:00AM - 11:50AMRm 201, W2QI, Shaozhou300300 
[Matching between Lecture & Lab required]

SOCH 5000 - Technological Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (2 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L02 (6233) We 06:00PM - 07:50PMRm 101, W1QI, Shaozhou150
For year 2 SOCH MPhil students: 50/2/48
LA02 (6377) We 08:00PM - 08:50PMRm 101, W1QI, Shaozhou15031470